Joe Biden Going All In on 'Bloodbath'

Discussions. Still no racial epithets or political campaigning. Don’t bring any of this back to the sports boards. What’s said in FFA, stays in FFA.
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Professor Half Wit
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Re: Joe Biden Going All In on 'Bloodbath'

Post by Professor Half Wit » Mon Mar 25, 2024 12:05 am

CKSteeler wrote:
Sun Mar 24, 2024 1:28 pm
Professor Half Wit wrote:
Sat Mar 23, 2024 11:05 pm
CKSteeler wrote:
Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:11 pm
I like key-board warrior KC who has never given an ounce of his time in service of anything calling Trump supporters "fake patriots."

Of course, if we look at the Gracchi's actual policies, they were all about using the free shit train to gain power.

Regardless, I'd take a Sulla right about now.
The Gracchi brothers introduced mob violence into Roman politics.

Sulla was a military dictator following the first civil war.
Why did the mob support the Gracchi?

Who actually introduced mob violence into American politics? Where has the bulk of political violence actually come from over the last century?

I'm perfectly well aware of who Sulla was. And why a similar figure is desperately needed right about now.
Oh? So you want a dictator who is going to murder thousands to ensure he stays in power? That’s pretty edgy.

“Being a fan is fine, but there is a line you can cross that makes it really unhealthy,” said Ken Yeager, PhD, a mental health expert in the department of psychiatry at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

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Post by CKSteeler » Mon Mar 25, 2024 12:10 am

Professor Half Wit wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2024 12:05 am
CKSteeler wrote:
Sun Mar 24, 2024 1:28 pm
Professor Half Wit wrote:
Sat Mar 23, 2024 11:05 pm

The Gracchi brothers introduced mob violence into Roman politics.

Sulla was a military dictator following the first civil war.
Why did the mob support the Gracchi?

Who actually introduced mob violence into American politics? Where has the bulk of political violence actually come from over the last century?

I'm perfectly well aware of who Sulla was. And why a similar figure is desperately needed right about now.
Oh? So you want a dictator who is going to murder thousands to ensure he stays in power? That’s pretty edgy.
Sulla is a guy who cleaned house and then relinquished power. Maybe we don't need to kill people. Just banish them to some far flung island where they are left to fend for themselves after they've spent lifetimes stealing from the American taxpayer and shipping US troops off to die in foreign lands to enrich themselves.

The level of corruption in this country, and the actual respect for the rule of law have reached banana republic levels, and despite what you seem to think, that's not because of Trump.

Hillary was running a giant influence peddling scheme right out in the open with her foundation. No one on the left blinked. She was taking money from everyone from the dreaded Russians (what's a huge chunk of our national Uranium supply worth? A few million for Hillary, Bill and her cronies - a drop in the bucket) to the Saudis and then she laughably came up with the Russia hoax to undermine a democratically elected president.

Biden is similarly bought and paid for by god knows how many foreign entities. Certainly the Chinese. Again, it's barely hidden.

Tell me more about how much respect I should have for America's institutions, Professor.

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Post by Dan Smith--BYU » Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:40 am

Senate Democrats Vote Unanimously Against Measure to Stop Biden from Flying Illegals INTO the USA.

They hate you. They do not care about your safety. They actually despise you more than Republicans because you are stupid enough to think they care about you.

If they can blow up a concert hall they can surely do it here and they are coming here with the blessing of the Democratic party.

But Trump said pussy and his tweets were mean.
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Post by CKSteeler » Tue Mar 26, 2024 8:18 pm

Dan Smith--BYU wrote:
Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:40 am
Senate Democrats Vote Unanimously Against Measure to Stop Biden from Flying Illegals INTO the USA.

They hate you. They do not care about your safety. They actually despise you more than Republicans because you are stupid enough to think they care about you.

If they can blow up a concert hall they can surely do it here and they are coming here with the blessing of the Democratic party.

But Trump said pussy and his tweets were mean.
I don't know how anyone can view Trump as a bigger threat to our democracy that bought and paid for politicians like Hillary and Biden. From the border to the insanity of bringing us closer to war with Russia than at any point during the Cold War to taking money from anyone willing to put their hand in their pockets. The best defense of Hillary and Biden is that they've taken so much foreign money that can't really be considered bought and paid for by any single entity. The influence peddling is hard stuff when you are taking graft from all sides.

I can understand consternation over January 6th and election "denialism." I don't agree with it, but I can understand it. But to argue that Trump or his supporters introduced violence into American politics is incredibly naive and reflects a genuine bias. You don't have to go back through our history, either.

It wasn't the right that started the recent political violence. That's just objective reality.

The Roman Republic comparisons are funny. The Gracchi aren't my favorite historical figures because they were pre-commies, but the "institutions" of Rome that they found themselves butting heads with were horribly corrupt and rotting to their core. That's what empire building tends to lead to. Saying they introduced violence into Roman politics isn't even accurate.

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Post by langer » Tue Mar 26, 2024 10:41 pm

I don't know how anyone can view Trump as a bigger threat to our democracy that bought and paid for politicians like Hillary and Biden.
They all just like it when their side does it.

Just like they aren't anti-war in the slightest...they are pro-war, but for the other side.
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Professor Half Wit
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Post by Professor Half Wit » Tue Mar 26, 2024 11:14 pm

CKSteeler wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2024 12:10 am
Professor Half Wit wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2024 12:05 am
CKSteeler wrote:
Sun Mar 24, 2024 1:28 pm

Why did the mob support the Gracchi?

Who actually introduced mob violence into American politics? Where has the bulk of political violence actually come from over the last century?

I'm perfectly well aware of who Sulla was. And why a similar figure is desperately needed right about now.
Oh? So you want a dictator who is going to murder thousands to ensure he stays in power? That’s pretty edgy.
Sulla is a guy who cleaned house and then relinquished power. Maybe we don't need to kill people. Just banish them to some far flung island where they are left to fend for themselves after they've spent lifetimes stealing from the American taxpayer and shipping US troops off to die in foreign lands to enrich themselves.

The level of corruption in this country, and the actual respect for the rule of law have reached banana republic levels, and despite what you seem to think, that's not because of Trump.

Hillary was running a giant influence peddling scheme right out in the open with her foundation. No one on the left blinked. She was taking money from everyone from the dreaded Russians (what's a huge chunk of our national Uranium supply worth? A few million for Hillary, Bill and her cronies - a drop in the bucket) to the Saudis and then she laughably came up with the Russia hoax to undermine a democratically elected president.

Biden is similarly bought and paid for by god knows how many foreign entities. Certainly the Chinese. Again, it's barely hidden.

Tell me more about how much respect I should have for America's institutions, Professor.
Different strokes. I’m just not super into political purges. I also think you’re online too much. Get off your computer for three months and read some Murakami.
“Being a fan is fine, but there is a line you can cross that makes it really unhealthy,” said Ken Yeager, PhD, a mental health expert in the department of psychiatry at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

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Post by Stosh-67 » Thu Mar 28, 2024 4:23 am

Dan Smith--BYU wrote:
Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:40 am
Senate Democrats Vote Unanimously Against Measure to Stop Biden from Flying Illegals INTO the USA.

They hate you. They do not care about your safety. They actually despise you more than Republicans because you are stupid enough to think they care about you.

If they can blow up a concert hall they can surely do it here and they are coming here with the blessing of the Democratic party.

But Trump said pussy and his tweets were mean.
Sneaking illegals in by plane.. jeez.
They don't care about anything but staying in power.
Damn the collateral damage.
All for a future vote.
Despicable. ... -Past-Year
Illegal migrants aren’t just overwhelming the border — President Biden is flying them secretly to airports around the country.

More than 200,000 people from four countries have landed over the past year, according to data obtained by the Center for Immigration Studies through a Freedom of Information Act request.

In January, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security began implementing the cornerstone of its current strategy: a series of new “lawful pathways” measures designed to decrease the historically high crowds at the southern border before they become a political problem
I belive its over 320,000 now.

Insane, impeachable. How low will this President, administration and party go, to create, control and maintain power.... over everything else.

The biggest threat to democracy is the Democrat Party.
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Post by zeke5123 » Thu Mar 28, 2024 5:30 pm

Pabst wrote:
Sun Mar 24, 2024 8:11 pm
CKSteeler wrote:
Sun Mar 24, 2024 7:39 pm
What do I reduce to being about Joe Biden that isn't?

You blamed Trump for the left going batshit. For becoming radicalized. You don't see the issue there?
I correlated the left going batshit wrt immigration to the rise of Trump. 2016 is a clear inflection point.

It's the same thing as the Pro-Russia / Anti-Ukraine sentiment among the Tucker Carlson crowd. It's just a pure contrarian reaction to what the other party is saying.

This is, once again, my entire issue with Trump - He won't solve shit and he'll just harden opposition.
Can I sign up for the anti-Russia / Anti-Ukraine crowd?

I think both sides suck. I don't think we should be funding Ukraine at all let alone the amounts we fund them for, especially without oversight. I think while Russia is probably more in the wrong Ukraine doesn't have entirely clean hands hear either. A pox on both houses.

Sometimes, the enemy of your enemy is still an enemy. Don't get in bed with shitty regimes. I am sure Charlie Wilson was shocked that his former ally that he funded blew up the twin towers.

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Post by CKSteeler » Thu Mar 28, 2024 6:02 pm

It's not defending or cheering on Russia invading a sovereign nation to point out:
1. Fucking around in Ukraine was a clear redline for them that we knew about and deliberately crossed over the period of about a decade. We *knew* that Russia would react this way and fucked around anyway.
2. We could have prevented the invasion entirely at any time, and there would have been peace by now if not for our meddling which will ultimately lead to nothing besides more death for Ukraine

The counter argument is but Russia! But Putin! They're evil! Of course, they're only the great evil in the left's eye because of some bullshit narrative about the 2016 election that has been proven to be bullshit.

Saying that the right is just being contrarian for pointing these facts out is rather myopic at best. Completely and dangerously disingenuous at worst.

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Post by Pabst » Thu Mar 28, 2024 9:47 pm

zeke5123 wrote:
Thu Mar 28, 2024 5:30 pm
Can I sign up for the anti-Russia / Anti-Ukraine crowd?

I think both sides suck. I don't think we should be funding Ukraine at all let alone the amounts we fund them for, especially without oversight. I think while Russia is probably more in the wrong Ukraine doesn't have entirely clean hands hear either. A pox on both houses.
A fair point on the lack of oversight. However I'll point out that much of the corruption in Ukraine ties right back to Russia, which is a big reason why people in Ukraine have voted for closer ties with the EU/US. Hell, Russia has literally assassinated prominent Ukrainian politicians.

I'll see if i can dig up the story, but one of the funniest things about this saga was the Kremlin was (apparently) sending money to politicians in Ukraine to strengthen Russian support. The problem? The money never got there because the Russian agents just pocketed it

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Post by CKSteeler » Fri Mar 29, 2024 3:04 am

Pabst wrote:
Thu Mar 28, 2024 9:47 pm
zeke5123 wrote:
Thu Mar 28, 2024 5:30 pm
Can I sign up for the anti-Russia / Anti-Ukraine crowd?

I think both sides suck. I don't think we should be funding Ukraine at all let alone the amounts we fund them for, especially without oversight. I think while Russia is probably more in the wrong Ukraine doesn't have entirely clean hands hear either. A pox on both houses.
A fair point on the lack of oversight. However I'll point out that much of the corruption in Ukraine ties right back to Russia, which is a big reason why people in Ukraine have voted for closer ties with the EU/US. Hell, Russia has literally assassinated prominent Ukrainian politicians.

I'll see if i can dig up the story, but one of the funniest things about this saga was the Kremlin was (apparently) sending money to politicians in Ukraine to strengthen Russian support. The problem? The money never got there because the Russian agents just pocketed it
Hey, does anyone remember when the CIA fucked around in Ukraine, helping to spark a revolution attempt to overthrow the government over a supposedly rigged election?

Crazy conspiracy theorist CKSteeler remembers. ... kraine.usa
Freedom House and the Democratic party's NDI helped fund and organise the "largest civil regional election monitoring effort" in Ukraine, involving more than 1,000 trained observers. They also organised exit polls. On Sunday night those polls gave Mr Yushchenko an 11-point lead and set the agenda for much of what has followed.

The exit polls are seen as critical because they seize the initiative in the propaganda battle with the regime, invariably appearing first, receiving wide media coverage and putting the onus on the authorities to respond.
The amazing thing is that the Russians allowed us to dick around in their backyard for a decade and a half before resorting to the invasion.

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Post by Pabst » Fri Mar 29, 2024 2:05 pm

CKSteeler wrote:
Fri Mar 29, 2024 3:04 am
Hey, does anyone remember when the CIA fucked around in Ukraine, helping to spark a revolution attempt to overthrow the government over a supposedly rigged election?
Was this before or after Russia tried to assassinate Yushchenko?

This is just like the Jane Fonda's of the world during the Cold War. Russia isn't some innocent bystander here. Ukraine is a sovereign country and Russia's been fucking around in their affairs since day 1. The idea that a Pro-Democracy campaign from 20 years ago justifies a full scale war is goddamn insane.

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Post by Dan Smith--BYU » Fri Mar 29, 2024 2:32 pm

We have our own Soviet problem right here at home: ... t-n2637134
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Post by 955876 » Fri Mar 29, 2024 7:57 pm

I 1,000% guarantee if Trump was still in office and Putin invaded Ukraine as he’s done the left would have been screaming g impeachment this entire time. Would be saying Trump is allowing his buddy Putin to destroy Ukraine.

Instead, they’ve been like welp, Corn Pop is doing all he can do.

IF Trump gets back in office watch how quickly they start chirping bout Ukraine.

The left is about as predictable as my morning shit.

And just as pathetic.
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Post by CKSteeler » Sat Mar 30, 2024 2:46 am

Pabst wrote:
Fri Mar 29, 2024 2:05 pm
CKSteeler wrote:
Fri Mar 29, 2024 3:04 am
Hey, does anyone remember when the CIA fucked around in Ukraine, helping to spark a revolution attempt to overthrow the government over a supposedly rigged election?
Was this before or after Russia tried to assassinate Yushchenko?

This is just like the Jane Fonda's of the world during the Cold War. Russia isn't some innocent bystander here. Ukraine is a sovereign country and Russia's been fucking around in their affairs since day 1. The idea that a Pro-Democracy campaign from 20 years ago justifies a full scale war is goddamn insane.
No one excused Russia for fucking around in Ukraine, but it's the equivalent of saying America fucks around in South America and would tolerate Russia signing a military alliance with Mexico. Or, we can look at how America responded to Castro's revolution.

America didn't just fuck around and start the Orange Revolution. We've spent the last decade and a half fucking around in Ukraine and threatening to bring them into NATO. Hence the invasion.

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Post by CKSteeler » Sat Mar 30, 2024 2:48 am

Dan Smith--BYU wrote:
Fri Mar 29, 2024 2:32 pm
We have our own Soviet problem right here at home: ... t-n2637134
Our intelligence community does things that would have made the Soviets blush and envious in general. Snowden exposed all that shit one cared.

We have a legitimate court case in front of the Supreme Court right now where the media is painting censorship as a legitimate purview of the government.

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Post by Dan Smith--BYU » Sat Mar 30, 2024 3:42 am

"The left is about as predictable as my morning shit.

And just as pathetic."

not to mention chock full o nuts
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Post by .Kodiak » Sat Mar 30, 2024 3:25 pm

CKSteeler wrote:
Sat Mar 30, 2024 2:48 am
We have a legitimate court case in front of the Supreme Court right now where the media is painting censorship as a legitimate purview of the government.
Can't have people pointing out inconvenient facts.

None of that would matter if journalists would just be journalists, but they prefer money over facts and ethics. And social media not only takes eyeballs from them, but it can damage their credibility when they're trying to gaslight everyone.

It really is sad. If the people at NBC held themselves to the same standard as they did Ronna McDaniels, they'd have no one left to put on the air.

Like it's funny watching Chris Cuomo call himself a journalist. He's actually much better now that he's no longer forced to push the CNN narrative (something he's practically said himself), but the fact is he was a propagandist at CNN and forfeited the right to ever call himself a journalist.

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Post by langer » Sat Mar 30, 2024 5:30 pm

1984 is an instruction manual and style guide for the progressives currently occupying every western government. Canada, full of communists looking to jail wrongthink, same with the UK, same with the US.

Gulags are next, well, they are here actually.
"I got caught up in some information and I'll leave it at that."

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Post by Dan Smith--BYU » Sat Mar 30, 2024 9:11 pm

No one on the right wants peaceful protestors at left wing rallies in prison.

Quite a few on the left are LOVING the imprisonment of innocent bystanders on J6.

They thing they are the good guys and they are not only bad but idiots.

Can't wait for Leticia James to indict Jon Stewart...oh wait...
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Post by Professor Half Wit » Sun Mar 31, 2024 1:41 pm

I'm guessing those of you logging on here religiously to complain about the leftist menace are retired or soon to be and addicted to the internet. Guessing if you add up your scrolling and computer time, you're online more than three hours a day. I'm sure when you're on your deathbed you'll think it was worth it.

You think the left ruined to country. Nah, Steve Jobs. You chumps don't need to be blue-pilled. You need to be offline pilled. Good luck.
“Being a fan is fine, but there is a line you can cross that makes it really unhealthy,” said Ken Yeager, PhD, a mental health expert in the department of psychiatry at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

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Post by CKSteeler » Sun Mar 31, 2024 8:52 pm

Closing your eyes and plugging your ears while the country slowly crumbles and loses what made it successful in the first place isn't going to change the reality that within your lifetime, the shit will likely hit the fan.

But I'm glad that you can ignore it and just YOLO while an already crumbling social security system adds hundreds of thousands to millions of illegals to the dole along with Medicaid. I'm glad you can enjoy your life despite rampant inflation - which is just getting started by the looks of it. And the younger generation coming up that has had their heads filled with ridiculous ideas about gender identity is going to be very well adjusted. Great future leaders we are going to have in this country. It's only going to get saner and more rational from here, for sure, when the people who mutilated themselves and injected hormones to stop puberty get into the workforce.

Professor, you do in fact remind me of the people who in 2012-14 were asking me why I cared so much about the woke shit on college campuses. The campus sexual assault witch hunts and the everything is racist crap that was kicking into gear on Ivy League schools across the country.

Well, real simple. Those nut bags were going to be entering the work force. Particularly hitting the government and NGO circuit and becoming the new managerial class in corporations. And shit got worse. What's coming down the pipeline with the next generation or two? It's even worse. And they aren't going to outgrow this shit. Not at the elite institutions where all of the shit fed to them in their echo chamber schools are only going to be reinforced.

And rule of law? Privacy? Free speech? All under assault. The only sliver of good news is that people, at least on the right, are finally starting to wake up to the fact that our institutions are fucking awful.

Yea, the left has fucked the country while most Republicans were feckless, useless cunts who allowed it to happen.

But I'm just some crazy libertarian who has always thought our institutions were fucked. So, take from that what you will.

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Post by langer » Mon Apr 01, 2024 9:37 am

Lefties love judging others but hate being judged.

They exist in a continuous assembly line of contradictions and bullshit that takes a while but impacts their ability to see reality eventually.

They have to pretend Joe Biden is a marvelous freedom fighter on the side of the blacks, their voting power base, while at the same time believe Trump is a superracist evil warmongering old and stupid white male.

That's hilarious.

But they are certainly a lot better than everyone else. That's the most important thing.
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Post by ol skool » Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:19 pm

Professor Half Wit wrote:
Sun Mar 31, 2024 1:41 pm
I'm guessing those of you logging on here religiously to complain about the leftist menace are retired or soon to be and addicted to the internet. Guessing if you add up your scrolling and computer time, you're online more than three hours a day. I'm sure when you're on your deathbed you'll think it was worth it.

You think the left ruined to country. Nah, Steve Jobs. You chumps don't need to be blue-pilled. You need to be offline pilled. Good luck.
That's right. You're on the internet the correct, healthy amount of time. Evidence of this is your mature acceptance of the system hidden by a super-clever red herring in the form of Steve Jobs as the culprit for our woes.

We're online the incorrect, unhealthy amount of time. Evidence of this is our immature rejection of the system which blinds us to the fact that the true cause of our country's misery is an entrepreneur who helped make this particular mode of communication/interaction so commonplace.

Absolutely brilliant retort. I'm left speechless and thunderstruck.

This is the last you'll hear from me, as my next moves will be cancelling my internet service and chucking this laptop out the window. And my phone, too.

Sadly, this will leave me unable to receive the virtual pat-on-the-back from yourself, and unable to witness the "eureka" moments soon to be experienced by the right-wingers on this board, but that's my cross to bear.

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Post by Dan Smith--BYU » Mon Apr 01, 2024 7:49 pm

Threatening the world's supply based on a bullshit theory is certainly a menace and if anything these message board are an extreme underreaction.

Watch Climate:The Movie and let us all know your brilliant insights as to why all of those experts were wrong.
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Post by langer » Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:46 am

If I were online the correct amount of time ingesting the correct information I would then be one step closer to the correct human.

And that's what we want, to be correct.
"I got caught up in some information and I'll leave it at that."

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Professor Half Wit
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Post by Professor Half Wit » Sat Apr 06, 2024 2:00 pm

ol skool wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:19 pm
Professor Half Wit wrote:
Sun Mar 31, 2024 1:41 pm
I'm guessing those of you logging on here religiously to complain about the leftist menace are retired or soon to be and addicted to the internet. Guessing if you add up your scrolling and computer time, you're online more than three hours a day. I'm sure when you're on your deathbed you'll think it was worth it.

You think the left ruined to country. Nah, Steve Jobs. You chumps don't need to be blue-pilled. You need to be offline pilled. Good luck.
That's right. You're on the internet the correct, healthy amount of time. Evidence of this is your mature acceptance of the system hidden by a super-clever red herring in the form of Steve Jobs as the culprit for our woes.

We're online the incorrect, unhealthy amount of time. Evidence of this is our immature rejection of the system which blinds us to the fact that the true cause of our country's misery is an entrepreneur who helped make this particular mode of communication/interaction so commonplace.

Absolutely brilliant retort. I'm left speechless and thunderstruck.

This is the last you'll hear from me, as my next moves will be cancelling my internet service and chucking this laptop out the window. And my phone, too.

Sadly, this will leave me unable to receive the virtual pat-on-the-back from yourself, and unable to witness the "eureka" moments soon to be experienced by the right-wingers on this board, but that's my cross to bear.
Sounds like you realize you're online too much. Kill your phone. Free yourself.
“Being a fan is fine, but there is a line you can cross that makes it really unhealthy,” said Ken Yeager, PhD, a mental health expert in the department of psychiatry at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

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Post by Deebo » Tue Apr 09, 2024 11:34 am

Here's a wild thought experiment: What if we've been deceived into thinking we're more divided, more dysfunctional and more defeated than we actually are?
• Why it matters: Well, there's compelling evidence we've been trapped in a reality distortion bubble — social media, cable TV and tribal political wars — long enough to warp our view of the reality around us, Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen write.
🖼️ The big picture: Yes, deep divisions exist on some topics. But on almost every topic of monthly outrage, it's a fringe view — or example — amplified by the loudest voices on social media and politicians driving it.
• No, most Christians aren't white Christian nationalists who see Donald Trump as a God-like figure. Most are ignoring politics and wrestling with their faith.
• No, most college professors aren't trying to silence conservatives or turn kids into liberal activists. Most are teaching math, or physics, or biology.
• No, most kids don't hate Israel and run around chanting, "From the river to the sea." On most campuses, most of the time, students are doing what students have always done.
• No, most Republicans don't want to ban all abortions starting at conception. No, most Democrats don't want to allow them until birth.
• No, immigrants who are here illegally aren't rushing to vote and commit crimes. Actual data show both rarely happen — even amid a genuine crisis at the border.
• No, most people aren't fighting on X. Turns out, the vast majority of Americans never tweet at all.
• No, most people aren't cheering insults on Fox News and MSNBC in the evening. Turns out, less than 2% of Americans are even watching.
🥊 Reality check: But our politics are hopelessly divided, Jim and Mike! You're naive!
• Yes, current politics, and particularly the House, seem hopelessly dysfunctional. This flows in part from majorities so narrow that fringe figures can hijack institutions and render them dysfunctional.
• The actual dysfunction runs much deeper for structural reasons, such as redistricting, low voter turnout in off-year elections and geographic sorting (Democrats in cities, Republicans in rural areas).
What has changed is political activism invading everything, from football to beer to Target. Here, too, most normal people just drink, watch football, and shop —without giving a damn about the politics of it all.
• This fringe nonsense plays out in the social media bubble before oozing into our lives.
Column continues below.

2. 🇺🇸 Part 2: Normal America

Data: AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. (Margin of error: ±3.8 points.) Chart: Alice Feng/Axios
This new poll by the AP and the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows a striking amount of agreement on some very big topics, Jim and Mike continue.
Roughly 90% or more of Americans — Republicans and Democrats — agree the following rights and freedoms are extremely or very important to a functioning America:
• Right to vote.
• Right to equal protection under the law.
• Right to freedom of religion.
• Right to freedom of speech.
• Right to privacy.
Hell, almost 80% think the right to own a gun is important to protect.
• "If you get a bunch of normal people at random and put them in a room together and chat about issues, there's a lot more convergence than you might imagine," Michael Albertus, a political science professor at the University of Chicago, told AP.
• That's been our experience as we travel the country and dig deeper into how people are getting and sharing "news."
🔎 Between the lines: The acceptance of former President Trump's language and tactics by so many Republicans can be partly explained by this reality distortion phenomenon.
• His base often feasts off edge-case outrages — wacky liberal professors saying wacky things, illegal immigrants committing brutal but isolated crimes, surges in shootings in specific cities.
• Similar edge cases pulse through liberal channels and the word police. This helps explain how "LatinX" went mainstream, then got dumped.
Truth is, there's little market in the modern media environment for calm analysis of genuine holy-crap developments.
• There's an explosion of green energy progress in red states, a once-in-a-generation job market and rising wages among minorities that started under Trump and has been largely sustained under President Biden.
• There's little talk on left or right about the entrepreneurial dynamism still unfolding in America (look at America's early AI edge), or fading poverty, or bipartisan consensus on handling a rising China.
🧠 Here's a thought experiment to end on (Jim does this during speeches after testing it on his kids and friends):
• In a given year, you meet scores or more people you spend enough time with to appraise their character. Think about them: How many do you think are decent, normal people who do volunteer work, help shovel after a storm, look out for family and neighbors?
The answer will help pop your reality distortion bubble.
• Share this story.

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Post by langer » Tue Apr 09, 2024 4:13 pm

What if we've been deceived into thinking we're more divided, more dysfunctional and more defeated than we actually are?
This is true, but it is an effective tool for the tools running things. Think of these insane "disinformation" societies that the DHS created, and that run systems that control the info on CNN etc.

You will be made to care. They are relentless and will take a long time if needed without complaint.
"I got caught up in some information and I'll leave it at that."

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Post by langer » Tue Apr 09, 2024 5:35 pm

I am so shocked about this.

Everything on CNN and allied with leftist prog mindthink is all concocted to play on emotions. Cultural Marxism was designed to do this.
Groups coordinate with hundreds of media outlets to push climate ‘crisis’ in news and entertainment

Good Energy Stories and Covering Climate Now, whose partners represent an audience of 2 billion worldwide, are funded by multiple anti-fossil fuel groups, and shape a uniform narrative of impending doom.

Covering Climate Now supports, convenes, and trains journalists and newsrooms to produce rigorous climate coverage that engages audiences.

Co-founded in 2019 by Columbia Journalism Review and The Nation magazine in association with the Guardian and WNYC, CCNow invites journalists everywhere to transform how our profession covers the defining story of our time. Unless news outlets around the world dramatically improve and expand their climate coverage, there simply will not be the public awareness and political will needed to tackle the crisis.
"I got caught up in some information and I'll leave it at that."

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